Dimensions & Annotations not showing up in Windows version of LibreCAD

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Dimensions & Annotations not showing up in Windows version of LibreCAD

I created a block for my building lot.  I then added dimensions as described in the following youtube tutorial:

How to Draw a 45' x 20' Floor Plan in LibreCAD with Exact Measurements

Essentially used dimensions aligned, then clicked the top side of the block and pulled away and clicked again.  Similar for the side.  I verified this with the manual also.  

However, all I see for dimensions are a blank block.  

In addition my annotations are blank as well.

The fonts in C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreCAD\resources\fonts are what I see in the dimensions & text options.  I tried different fonts for both dimensions & MText.


From about:
Compiler: GNU GCC 13.1.0
Compiled on: Jul 29 2023
Qt Version: 5.12.11
Boost Version: 1.75.0
System: Windows 10 (10.0)
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Re: Dimensions & Annotations not showing up in Windows version of LibreCAD

Overlooked posting a sample of the drawing:
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Re: Dimensions & Annotations not showing up in Windows version of LibreCAD

In reply to this post by timschoenfelder
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Re: Dimensions & Annotations not showing up in Windows version of LibreCAD

nm, I found that restarting after pasting the windows fonts path into the fonts path like

LibreCAD dimension text not showing up #45270

Fixed it.