librecad crashes when I try to open a file.

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librecad crashes when I try to open a file.

Librecad crashes when I am trying to open a dxf file. I am using librecad 2.0.0beta1Compiled on: Jan 3 y2013 and Ubuntu 12.04. There are a few files that will open and work properly when opened. Most of them will not. when I click on the file the program immediately closes. From the "home" folder I can open the drawings folder and from there I can open all the dxf files.
I think that the problem started after an Ubuntu software update ( I am not 100% sure). At that time I had the Librecad version running that came with Ubuntu 12.04.  
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Re: librecad crashes when I try to open a file.

If you are still having problems with this, can you attach a file for testing.
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Re: librecad crashes when I try to open a file.

Yes I still have the same problem, I have not tried to fix it recently as I was busy with other things.
I have attached a file from my drawings Library.


On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:09 AM, c..t [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote:
If you are still having problems with this, can you attach a file for testing.

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Kitchen elev.dxf (233K) Download Attachment
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Re: librecad crashes when I try to open a file.

your file opens perfectly in LibreCAD (windows) with latest code. I'll try later with other systems

in 2013-jan-31 are solved a crash with some dimensions, please update your LC and retest
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Re: librecad crashes when I try to open a file.

I made more test with your file
OpenSuse 12.2 x86_64 with last code => works
lubuntu 12.10 x86_64 with 2.0.0beta1 2012-12-31 => works
lubuntu 12.10 x86_64 with all updates and 2.0.0beta1 2013-02-05 => works

A test that you can do is run Librecad from the console:
home@home> librecad --debug 2> lc.log

and attach the resulting lc.log file