no node adding possible

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no node adding possible

if i try to add a node to a polyline first
-> specify polyline to add node
appears. if i click to a polyline
-> specify adding node's point
come up, but nothing happens if i click to the point
where the node should be added


lg grischan

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Re: no node adding possible

When -> "specify adding node's point" message appears

Activate "snap on entity" and click to the point (pertaining to the polyline) where the node should be added.

On end, select the polyline without command, click and drag the node to move to another position
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Re: no node adding possible

In reply to this post by glanzel
Hello glanzel

1. Make sure the polyline is selected first (highlighted).

2. Make sure  you are snapping to the polyline.

Hope this helps.
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Re: no node adding possible

snapping to the polyline was the trick

thanks to both of you - grischan