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Found 41 matching posts for faint in LibreCAD Showing posts 1 to 12.
And if I print PDF to paper there is nothing but some faint dots scatter over the page. I have changed attributes of all entities in the drawing to Color - Black/White, Line weight 0.35 and it change nothing.
in LibreCAD-user by RobertRead — 7 replies in thread
PDF - viewers differ in how they handle line width 0.00mm. Some show it as fine hairline, some very faint, and some not at all. At some viewers you can make a setting how to show a hair line. In LibreCAD 0.00mm is the setting for line width out of the box. Anything larger than that should show...
in LibreCAD-user by dellus — 5 replies in thread
... "Default", defined as "By Layer", which in LibreCAD is the same as 0.00 mm. This may cause trouble when printing or exporting to pdf as lines may appear very faint or disappear completely, depending on printer or pdf display software. A solution is to "Select all" and with Modify - Attributes change pen...
in LibreCAD-user by dellus — 7 replies in thread
It might be the line width of the faint lines is not determined as "By Layer", but individually. Check this with Tools - Modify - Properties.
in LibreCAD-user by dellus — 5 replies in thread
Kind of a continuation of the previous problem - now I understand how to get Print Preview to give me what I want but when I export to PDF some lines on my drawing are very faint or do not appear at all. I've checked that the correct paper size is set in Current Drawing Preferences and made sure...
in LibreCAD-user by tim.d.childs — 5 replies in thread
This probably has nothing to do with the new version but with different settings when adding the additional dimensions. If the text is too faint the dimension is probably drawn with general line width 0.00mm. The line width of the lines and arrows can be set differently in Options - Current Drawing Preferences - Dimensions. So check this. You also can provide a sample file here, you can delete everything except one of the old dimensions and a new one.
in LibreCAD-user by dellus — 5 replies in thread
Welcome Icerol! Text and lines are exported well on my system, with the provided DXF file. It is known, that some printer or PDF driver make the lines very faint or even don't print them. The recommend solution is to change the line width for the layers to print. Line width 0, which is the...
in LibreCAD-user by LordOfBikes — 1 replies in thread
I have read all of the previous posts regarding the common issue of faint lines with both printing and PDF exports. So far I have attempted: + Using Options - Current Drawing Preferences. No impact. + Layer Attributes - Editing layer attributes, testing line thickness .25, .50, 1.00 & 2.00...
in Troubleshooting by Brian Libre — 2 replies in thread
Sheets blank: often the reason is linewidth "By Layer" is set, where default is 0.00mm. Depending on printer often not printed at all, or very very faint. But as you say - Preview blank: preview shows linewidth 0.00mm, so it must be something different. Maybe out of the sheet, or very small. Try...
in LibreCAD-user by dellus — 1 replies in thread
Incomplete Drawing Printout {Solved]   (Re: Incomplete Drawing Printout)
Depending on your printer, or printer software/driver, entities with linewidth 0.00mm, or Default, which is the same, may be printed very faint or not at all. The same applies when printing/exporting to pdf, depending on the pdf-viewer app. Some such apps allow a choice how to handle hair lines...
in LibreCAD-user by dellus — 3 replies in thread
Incomplete Drawing Printout {Solved]   (Re: Incomplete Drawing Printout)
This is probably related with your other issue . Standard line width is currently 0 in LibreCAD. This is to keep line thickness independent from zoom level. Depending on operating system and printer driver it happens, that line width 0 is printed very faint or not at all. So try to change line...
in LibreCAD-user by LordOfBikes — 3 replies in thread
... mostly the pages are blank. When I say blank, that is not quite true. They all print my boiler plate frame but the detail of the drawing is blank. In fact it appears to be there but extremely faint. If I then print from the PDF the detail is all there! If I adjust the line width of the layer...
in LibreCAD-user by GeoffatMM — 3 replies in thread
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